The enterprise ACTA SA based in Thessaloniki Region, has joined the Action "Entrepreneurship Toolbox: Retailing - Catering Services – Educational services", with a budget of 60 million Euros. The Action aims at supporting existing small and very small enterprises, operating in the following categories:
- Retailing
- Catering services
- Educational and social services
in order to upgrade their level of business organization and operation.
The investment’s total budget is 119.778,00 € out of which 59.889,00 € is public expenditure. The Action is co-financed by Greece and the European Union - European Regional Development Fund.
The approved co-financed Business Plan includes investments in the following categories:
- Improvement of the business premises for energy efficiency, health, safety and accessibility improvement
- Machinery and equipment for energy efficiency, health and safety improvement, ICT
- Service and procedures standardization
- Digital promotion
- Means of transportation
- Wage cost for new personnel
Through the participation in the Action, the enterprise achieved:
- Competitiveness improvement
- Increase of profitability
- Reinforcement of an extrovert business profile
- Market expenditure by adopting new products and services
- Creation of better quality products and services
- Increase of productivity and improvement of operational procedures
- Entrepreneurship Reinforcement
- Creation/retention of jobs
The support of EPAnEK proved beneficial, not only for the enterprise but for the competitiveness of the national as well as the local economy.